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작성자 사진Han Seo-hyeon

[On Campus] Professor Lee Jae-eung Received a Government Award at“World Water Day 2021”

No. 151 / Apr 19, 2021

Lee Jae-eung, a professor of Department of Civil System Engineering at the Ajou University, received a government award at “World Water Day 2021” organized by the Ministry of Environment.

World Water Day was established by the United Nations (UN) and is annually held on March 22 to raise awareness about worsening water pollution due to the increase in population and economic activities, and the lack of potable water around the world. Since 1955, Korea has been holding a government-level ceremony to reflect on the purpose of World Water Day and to join in the efforts of the international community. The 29th topic set by the UN this year is the value of water. Accordingly, the Korean government responded to the UN’s question by setting the theme of World Water Day as “Water Value, Future Value” with the aim of understanding the various importance of water to humans and nature, and how to preserve water for future generations. Professor Lee was selected as a distinguished government recipient in recognition of his contribution to the standardization of water supply evaluation for multipurpose dams. Professor Lee has been looking into the prevention of excessive dam development, and the establishment of a system that could address water shortages in the Seoul metropolitan area by linking multipurpose dams with hydroelectric dams. The Ministry of Environment also held a “1L Challenge event” through Social Network Services (SNS) (e.g., the Ministry of Environment blog and Facebook) throughout the month of March to help people realize the importance of water.

Minister Han Jung-ae said, “The value of water is so diverse that it is difficult to list, and all efforts to maintain its value will ultimately lead to the ‘Green New Deal’ and ‘Net Zero’.” it also stated that the Department of Environment will do its best to keep people safe from water and climate risks.


By Han Seo-hyeon, AG Reporter

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